
2024-04-16 17:05:49


Listening situation: social events (section 2)

雅思听力 section 2 中经常会考到一些社会事件,比如说会议、展览、节日等。参加这些社会活动就需要通过网站、单页、通知版、广告等来了解活动的信息、日程安排、主题等详细信息。一些大型会议和活动学生是可以选择参加的,而且还提供住宿和餐饮,一切都只需要在注册的时候声明并且缴纳相应的费用即可。

Events: Convention, exhibition, conference, festival, exposition

Examples: Australian retailers’ convention, art exhibition, business conference, summer music festival, drama festival, travel exposition, world expo, cartoon exhibition, flower exhibition, auto show

Publicity: website/internet, leaflets, flyers, notice board, posters, advertisements, good for a family, children, adult, senior citizens

Transportation: bus, taxi, cab, subway, tube, coach, parking problems

Agenda: dates, timetable

Focus/theme: music/live music, art, ballet, clothes, drama, food, business, demonstration, comics, flower arrangement, biscuits

Celebration: parade, dance, chorus, music band

Catering: café, restaurant, pub, cafeteria, canteen, refectory, dining room, refreshments, snacks, takeout, takeaway, set lunch, barbecue

Security: security entrance, security office, security personnel/staff, fire exit, lockers, Check ID, video surveillance, cameras, crowded, children easily get lost

Listening situation: environment (section 2/4)


atmosphere: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Ozone, sulphur monoxide

pollution: air pollution, acid rain, contaminated water, pollutant, contaminant, chemicals, toxic waste

Geographical: soil erosion, desertification, drought, floods, overfishing, over-felling, deforestation

energy: fossil fuels, coal, gas, petroleum, solar, tide, wind power, nuclear, marsh gas, methane, biogas

recycling: plastic, paper, glass, bottle tops, ink cartridges, spare parts/components

Listening situation: repair (section 1)


What to repair: fridge, refrigerator, washing machine, CD player, electric light, clock, bungalow, cooker, rice cooker, printer (shelf), Model type/number

Main problem: leaking, door broken, flashing, hands broken, noisy, fan broken, steam escaping

When to repair: immediately, straight away, right now, urgent, next week, weekdays, weekends, in a couple of weeks, mornings, afternoons (am pm)

Quality warranty: expiry date, quality guaranteed for two years

Compensation: refund, replacement

Payment: cash, cheque, credit card, bank transfer

Listening situation: diet and health (section 4)

饮食和健康不但是现在人们越来越关心的问题,也会是雅思听力考试中永恒不变的主题。在 Section 4 中经常出现关于健康饮食和生活方式的探讨。与此同时,听力中关于一些疾病的原因和治疗也都跟此有着密切的联系。我想 Heart disease, chronic illness, diabetes, obesity,high blood pressure 等疾病大家已经并不陌生了。

Food intake/elements: protein, vitamins, fat, carbohydrates, fat acid, calcium, cholesterol, minerals, calorie, kilocalorie

diet: cereals, sugar, salt, lean meat, eggs, fish, milk, vegetables, fruit, red meat, white meat

cereals: wheat, corn, barley, oat, maize, rice

health: low nutrition, malnutrition, overweight, obese, underweight, intelligence, eyesight, brain, learning difficulty, digestion, congestion, heart disease, tuberculosis

Physical exercises: running, jogging, swimming

listening situation: medicine (section 1 )

这个场景每年都会进行几次考查,重点要明确各种关于医生、治疗、疾病、药物、手术、医院的英文表达方式,以及弄清楚西方国家的医疗体系和看病流程。比如说 family doctor 这个概念在中国几乎是不存在的,但是在西方的社区里非常普遍。怎样注册一个家庭医生,他们看病怎样收费等都是我们应该去了解的。在国外某些地区,如果没有注册家庭医生,很可能出现一些急症没有医生来看的情况。

doctors: physician, surgeon, dentist, veterinarian, pediatrician, therapist, general practitioner

treatments: cure, remedy, therapy, acupuncture,

diseases: headache, toothache, backache (back pain), stomachache, heart disease, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diabetes, insomnia, asthma, employment medical, sprain, sports injury, sprained knee

medicine: antibiotics, penicillin, aspirin, sleeping pills (tablets), painkillers, dose, underdose, overdose, ice pack, walking sticks

surgery: operation

hospital: clinics, ward, maternity, emergency, surgery, practice

listening situation: library (section 1/4)


registration: information desk, information sector, librarian desk,registration fee, membership fee

ID documents: passport, visa, student card, library card, driver’s license, credit card, bank statement, phone bill, Identity card, C.V. letter,Library card, borrower’s card, reader’s card, electronic card, PIN, password

Books: fiction, reference books, technical books, leisure books, notion, academic

Periodicals: magazines, journals Current issues, back issues

Technical Resources: photocopying machine, photocopier, color, white and black photocopier, printer, laser printer, card, coin, internet access, computers, laptops

Electronic, digital: CD, DVD, VCD, videos, tapes, cassettes, CD-ROM

Recall system: catalogue (title, author, press, category) , call slip, librarian

Circulation: borrow, loan, return, renew, overdue, fine, reserve

Loan time: weeks, months (up to 4 weeks, maximum loan time)

Training classes: research methods, IT, computer software, dissertation writing

Listening situation: job hunting (section 1/2)


Type of work: vacation jobs, office work, bar attendant, waiter, waitress, zoo attendant, childcare, library assistant, restaurant work, shop assistant, sales assistant, domestic work, reporter, carpenter, freelance, part-time job, full-time job, temporary job

Main roles: receptionist, shop assistant, looking after animals (kangaroo), educate visitors, save wounded/injured animals, maintain website, selling garden tools/carpets, handle customer complaint

Advantages and disadvantages: pay, working hours, workload, flexible, equipment, transportation

Working hours: am pm weekdays (during the week), weekends,bank holidays, public holidays, New year, Christmas

Pay rate: pound/dollar per hour, starting salary, wage

Clothes: formal clothes, suit, informal clothes, casual clothes shirt, trousers, tie, bow tie, uniform

Transportation: bus, train, subway, tube, metro, taxi, cab

Magazine reporters: housing magazine, entertainment magazine, sports magazine, economy magazine, IT magazine

Listening situation: shopping


Price: discount, concession, promotion, sales, half price, normal price, 30% off

Packaging: economy package, family package, container, image, presentation of products

Where to buy: supermarket, market, shop, store, department store, chain store, online shopping

Receipt: invoice, quality warranty, receipt

Supermarket: entrance (profitable), middle shelf (expensive), end of aisles (hard to move), quieter places ( need time to think about)


Module 1

diet 饮食;日常食物

fat 脂肪

fit 健康的;强壮的

flu 流行性感冒

rare 稀少的;罕有的

toothache 牙痛

unhealthy 不健康的

wealthy 富裕的

rarely 稀少的

proverb 谚语

anxious 焦虑的

captain 队长

ingure 伤害

ingury 伤害

pain 疼痛

painfur 疼痛的

normal 正常的

lifestyle 生活方式

head 朝~~方向前进

eye 注视;观看

overweight 太胖的;超重的

lung 肺子

throat 喉咙;咽喉;嗓子

breathe 呼吸

pneumonra 肺炎

prescription 处方

symptom 症状

X-ray X-光

awfur 可怕的;吓人的

insurance 保险

questionnaire 问卷调查;调查表

Module 2

drug 毒品;药品

bronchitis 支气管炎

cancer 癌症

cigarette 香烟

tobacco 烟草;烟丝

addictive (药物等)上瘾的

cannabis 大麻

cocaine 可卡因

danger 危险

addict 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子

inject 注射

needle (注射用的)针;针管

powerful 有力的;(药等)有功效的

reduce 减少

nearby 附近的

burglary 盗窃;窃案;盗窃罪

crime 罪行;犯罪行为

criminal 罪犯

connection 联系;关系;关联

illegal 违法的;不合法的

ratio 比;比率

shoplifting 逛商店时偷窃商品的行为

treatment 治疗

likely 可能的

adult 成人

cafe 咖啡馆;餐馆

disagree 不同意;意见不合

ban 禁止

horrible 令人不快的;极讨厌的

affect 影响;对~~有坏影响

participant 参与者;参加者

recognise 认识;认知;认出

leaflet 传单;印刷品

distraction 分心;分散注意力

jogging 慢跑

gymnastic 体操的

Module 3

audience 听众

choir (教堂里的)唱诗班;合唱队

classical 古典音乐

composer 作曲家

conductor 指挥

jazz 爵士乐

musician 音乐家

orchestra 管弦乐队(团)

saxophone 萨克斯管

court 宫廷

director 指挥

genius 天才

lose 失去;丢失

musical 音乐的

peasant 农民

symphony 交响乐;交响曲;交响乐团

talent 天分;天赋;才华

Austria 奥地利

Austrian 奥地利的

prince 王子;亲王

compose 作曲;创作

tour 巡回演出

album 专辑

ballad 民歌;民谣;(伤感的)情歌

band 乐队

catchy 动人的

complex 复杂的

influence 影响

lyrics (复)歌词

solo 独奏的

tune 曲调

record 录音

lecturer (大学的)讲师

mix 使混合

Module 4

like 爱好;嗜好

dislike 憎恶;不喜欢

artist 艺术家

colourful 彩色的

contemporary 当代的

delightful 令人愉快的;可爱的

drawing 图画

paint 绘画;(用颜料)画

painter 画家

painting 绘画;油画

scene 景色;风景

traditional 传统的;习俗的

alive 有活力的;有生气的

aspect 方面

imitate 临摹;仿造;模仿;仿效

observe 观察;注意到

reality 真实;现实;逼真

style 风格

adopt 采纳;采用

aim 以~~为目标;打算;意欲

stand 忍受

unusual 不寻常的;非凡的

exhibition 展览

expression 表现;表达

landscape 风景;景色;风景画;山水画

portrait 画像;肖像;人像

relise 领悟;了解;现实;实行

realistic 现实主义的;写实主义的

watercolour 水彩画

destroy 破坏;毁坏

Module 5

headline (新闻报道等的)标题

photograph 照片

celebrity 名人

economy 经济

politics 政治

photographer 摄影师

cosmonaut 宇航员

navigator 领航员;(飞机的)驾驶员

taikonaut 太空人;宇航员

universe 宇宙

sailor 船员;水手

orbit 轨道;绕轨道飞行

capsule 太空舱

flight 飞行;班机

congratulation 祝贺

aboard 在船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)上

welcome 欢迎

historical 历史性的

achievement 成就;功业;伟绩

replace 代替;取代

alien 外星人

amateur 业余的

astronomer 天文学家

autograph 亲笔签名

delighted 高兴的;快乐的

fan (**等的)迷

spaceship 宇宙飞船

telescope 望远镜

actor 演员

backstage 在后台

part 角色

politician 政治家

belief 信念;信条

disbelief 不信;怀疑;疑惑

evidence 证据

cultural 文化的

financial 金融的

review 评论

royal 皇家的;皇室的

found 创立;建立

produce 创作

Module 6

poster 海报

thriller 充满刺激的**

comedy 喜剧

sword 剑

actress 女演员

character 角色;人物

female 女的;女性的

male 男的;男性的

masterpiece 杰作

fiance 未婚夫

rooftop 屋顶

leap 跳跃;飞跃

graceful 优美的;优雅的

interest 使感兴趣

brave 勇敢的

moving 感人的

occasionally 有时;偶尔

ad 广告

argue 争论

channel 频道

entertaining 有趣的;令人愉快的

telly (非正式)电视

drama 戏剧

plot 情节

setting (小说、戏剧、**的)背景

shark 鲨鱼

section 部分;节




 错误。make a mistake

 误认。这对双胞胎长得太像了,所以I often mistake one for another,并且无法tell them apart。



 Please wait for further notice. 请注意进一步通知。


 Have you noticed anything wrong here? 你注意到这里有什么问题吗?


 提供。公司提供工作职位给学生就是offer a job。国外大学提供奖学金即:offer scholarship。所以大家一般称国外大学的全额奖学金为offer。

 I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from my family。


 They're offering me a job after I graduate. 他们给我提供了一份毕业后的工作。

 帮助。offer to help others 乐于助人




 I haven't received the furniture I ordered yet.我还没有收到订购

 How about the food I ordered?我订的饭菜如何?

 餐厅服务用语:Can I take / serve your order?

 秩序。 out of order 比较乱,其反意为in order。



 Did Henry paint the whole house himself?整栋房都是亨利自己漆的吗?

 He had it painted. 他找人刷了油漆。


 Can you tell me the title of this oil painting? 你能告诉我这贴画油画的名字吗?



 How much time did you have for writing the paper? 你写论文花了多少时间?

 What's the teacher's comment on the student's paper?老师怎么评价这个学生的.论文?

 Are you sure you have corrected all the typing errors in this paper?


 试卷。期中考试有mid-term paper,期末有term paper。因此,如果提到The paper was not as easy as we hope. 就是考试卷子没有想象得那么容易之意了。

 书面。与paper test 书面考试(笔试)相对的就是oral test(口试)。固定搭配on paper也即表示"以书面形式"。

 平装。a paper back book / paperback edition平装书,与hard back book / hard cover精装书相对。听力中会出现的情形是,在促销(on sale)期间,平装书和精装书一样的价格,这个时候大家当然会更愿意选择精装书了。

 Do you have the paperback edition of this dictionary?这本字典有平装版吗?


 I'm calling about the three-bedroom house you advertised in yesterday's paper。

 The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day。

 I'd like to place an advertisement for a used car in this Sunday edition of your paper。


 I am looking for quality paper to type my essay. 我在找高质量的纸来打印论文。



 I spend so much time polishing my application letter. 我花了很多时间润色我的申请文书。



 比如,There's a lot of laundry to do.有很多衣服要洗。




 You look great. 你看上去气色很好。

 You look awfully nervous. 你看上去很紧张。

 All of my clothes look so old and I can't afford something new。


 It's not as bad as it looks. 它并没有看上去的糟。

 查阅。look up 查阅字典

 希望。look forward to

 寻找。 look for

 Do you think we should try to call him or look for him?


 Have you seen a young gentleman looking for his wristwatch?



 make an appointment 预约

 Why didn't you make an appointment to see the doctor last week?


 make a call on the payphone 打一个收费电话

 make room for sb 腾出位子给某人

 Could you make room for the old lady? 你能为这位老太太让个座吗?

 make it 达到,抵达,做到

 But I'm afraid I can't make it. 但是我恐怕做不到。

 I'm afraid I can't make it before 7 o'clock. 我恐怕在7点前没法到达。



